What's happening now on Turnalt Farm

June 2000

The Sheep

Lambing time has all but finished now with only a few ewes left to lamb. The lambing has gone well, helped by the good weather but we won't have any figures until the Marking, when the lambs will be counted and that should be nearer the end of June.
Newborn Lamb Ewe and Lamb Iain taking ewes with lambs 
to the hill

The Cattle

The Cattle are all in the lowground at the moment and most of them have calved, there is a few left to calve but they shouldn't have long to go now. When they have all calved about half of the herd with young calves will go to the hills for the summer and the rest will stay on the lowground.
Cow with newborn calf Cows and calves in Sluggan

The Crops

There is not much happening with the crops at the moment, the Potatoes and Turnips have been planted and are doing fine and the Hay and Silage is growing as well.

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© Iain MacNicol